Insurance Read Time: 4 min

Short Term vs. Long Term Disability Insurance

If you were injured tomorrow—say, 车祸或从楼梯上摔下来——你能负担得起不工作吗? From temporary disabilities to chronic illness, 短期和长期残疾大发888dafa可以在紧急情况或改变生活的变化中提供重要的经济援助.

但是两者之间的区别是什么,什么时候你应该期望使用其中一个而不是另一个? We've broken down the differences below.

Short-Term Vs. Long-Term

Just as it sounds, 短期和长期残疾的主要区别在于时间范围. 短期残疾的等待期为0至14天,最长可持续两年. 长期残疾有更长的等待期——这可能意味着几周或几个月没有工资——但可以提供收入直到你退休.1


How Does Short-Term Disability Work?

In the event you become disabled, 短期残疾通常比长期残疾来得更快.

This type of insurance covers common events including:

  • Injuries (such as a broken arm or leg)
  • 修复膝关节的手术会让你几周无法行动
  • Maternity leave for new mothers

How Does Long-Term Disability Work?

长期残疾通常在一段相当长的等待期后开始支付, usually 90 days to a year. 这种类型的大发888dafa旨在涵盖伤害或事件,具有较长的恢复周期. Depending on the extent of your injury, 你可以在任何地方领取长期残疾津贴,从两年到退休.2


  • Joint or back pain and muscular disorders
  • Serious illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, or a stroke
  • Mental illness

Utilizing Both Types of Insurance

许多人试图通过选择一种或另一种大发888dafa来省钱. However, 如果你想要更全面的大发888dafa,可以将短期和长期残疾大发888dafa纳入你的保护策略.

一些雇主提供短期和长期残疾作为他们福利的一部分. 在许多情况下,短期残疾会覆盖你,直到你有资格获得长期残疾. You often have several options, based on premium and payout, with higher premiums corresponding to higher payouts. 在这两种大发888dafa之间留下缺口会耗尽你的积蓄或导致你负债.

如果你的雇主提供一种或两种选择,考虑利用你的福利的最佳方式. Then, 向有经验的大发888dafa代理人或金融专业人士咨询私人保单如何帮助你填补空白.

Typical Premiums and Payouts

残疾大发888dafa范围因大发888dafa公司和许多其他因素而异. 重要的是要充分了解你从你选择的保费中得到了什么,以及你选择了较低的保费而放弃了什么.

Short-term disability may cover up to 80 percent of lost income, 而长期保单通常可以弥补收入损失的60%. 你可以考虑大发888dafa单中提供的所有选项,以获得你能负担得起的最大大发888dafa范围. A knowledgeable advisor can make this process a lot less confusing.3

Factors Impacting Your Premium

影响保费金额的主要因素包括保障期, coverage amount, and waiting period before coverage goes into effect. Other factors that determine your premium include:

  • Age
  • Health
  • Location
  • Occupation
  • Add-on features

如果你想获得适度的残疾大发888dafa,你可能需要预算你年薪的1%到3%. If layering both coverages is not an option, consider the factors that make long-term disability attractive, such as longevity, and the factors that make short-term disability attractive, such as higher coverage and a shorter wait. 利用你的研究和值得信赖的顾问提供的信息来做出对你的家庭有效的决定.

确定你的雇主可能提供多少短期和长期大发888dafa. 然后,根据需要用私人大发888dafa来补充大发888dafa范围中的任何空白. 将短期和长期残疾分层可以帮助你在康复期间保持你的生活方式.

寻求一个大发888dafa专业人士谁可以解释政策选择可用可能有利于做出正确的决定. If you are married, 在做出最终决定之前,讨论一下不同的选择会对你的家庭产生怎样的影响.

1., 2022
2., May 30, 2021
3., May 30, 2021

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